Highway Safety Data
The Maryland Highway Safety Office (MHSO) annually produces 5-year County, Statewide, and Program Area tabulations of fatalities and injuries by route type, month, day of week, time of day, driver age, driver gender, driver safety equipment use, passenger age, passenger gender, passenger safety equipment use, pedestrian age, pedestrian gender, pedestrian location (e.g., shoulder, curb, sidewalk), and pedestrian movement (e.g., crossing at intersection, walking against traffic).
Data definitions for summary reports are based on the codes Maryland law enforcement officers use when investigating motor vehicle crashes and are reported to the Maryland State Police Central Records Division. (The threshold for reporting includes only those crashes where a fatality or injury occurred, or if one or more vehicles involved are towed away.)
Click here for an explanation of these data definitions.
Additional summary reports, including County-specific versions of the Statewide program area reports on this page, are available by request. Please use the following form: https://issomweb02.som.umaryland.edu/NSCTrauma//NSCData.aspx
Please note that raw data cannot be obtained through this online request form.
If you have additional inquiries, feel free to contact the Maryland State Police. Public Information Act (PIA) requests may be submitted to the Maryland State Police. The form can be found at http://mdsp.maryland.gov/Pages/PublicInformationRequest.aspx.