Changing or Correcting Customer Name and Address

myMVA Quick​ Link: Change Address​

This page is regarding making a correction to an issued product where an error was made on the application or in trans​​cription by the MVA.  For information regarding how to change your name following a life event, please refer to this FAQ section on name changes.

When you receive your vehicle’s title, registration card, Security Interest Filing (lien holders only), or other MVA document, carefully review the recorded name(s) and address and immediately report any errors to the MVA. If a name printed on these documents is legally changed after you receive them, you must change your name within 30 days through the MVA's Driver Licensing System (DLS) prior to applying for any corrected documents. Address changes are also reported to the MVA within 30 days.

If you need to report incorrect vehicle identification, mileage or license plate information, Correcting Vehicle Related Information.

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How do I report an incorrect name or address that was caused by an error?

Name and address errors can be reported either verbally or in writing:

  • in person at any of the MVA’s full service branch offices; or
  • by mail to the MVA’s Corrections Unit in the Glen Burnie office; or
  • in person at an MVA licensed tag and title service. Note that tag and title services will charge a fee for this service.

Name and address information that may be incorrect includes:

Name (individual owner) – displayed on the vehicle title and registration card

  • Owner - first, middle and last names; or
  • Co-owner - first, middle and last names.

Name (company owner) – displayed on the vehicle title and registration card

  • Owner - first, middle and last names; or
  • Co-owner - first, middle and last names; or
  • Doing Business As (DBA) or Trading As (T/A); or
  • c/o (in care of) name – this is the name that appears as part of the address. It is usually the name of the vehicle’s registrant when the vehicle is owned by one entity and registered to a different entity, as in a vehicle leasing arrangement.

Name (lien holder) – displayed on the vehicle Security Interest Filing (SIF) and Maryland Certificate of Title.

Address (individual/company owner) – displayed on the vehicle title and registration card

  • Street name; or
  • City/town; or
  • State; or
  • Zip code.

Address (lien holder) – displayed on the vehicle’s title and Security Interest Filing (SIF)

  • Street name; or
  • City/town; or
  • State; or
  • Zip code.

A new title and registration card may be issued to you. Note that you must return your incorrect title before a new title can be printed. Titles are mailed unless the vehicle owner requests the correction in person and presents adequate identification. Lien holders will receive a corrected Security Interest Filing (SIF) after they return the original, incorrect SIF.

How do I report an address that has changed?

Address changes can be reported:

  • in person at any of the MVA’s full service branch offices; or
  • by mail to the MVA’s Corrections Unit in the Glen Burnie office; or
  • in person at an MVA licensed tag and title service. Note that tag and title services will charge a fee for this service.

Individual vehicle owners can also report an address change:

Note: You cannot use the website, kiosk or call the CSC to report an address change if you have a PO box address, hold a Commercial Driver's License (CDL), or represent a company.

In addition to your request, you may be asked to submit other documents as outlined below.

Action Requested Customer document review
Owner name change (individual)
  • Vehicle owner’s name - first, middle and last names; or,
  • Vehicle co-owner’s name - first, middle and last names.
Owner name change (company)
  • Vehicle owner’s name; or
  • Doing Business As (DBA)/ Trading As (T/A); or
  • c/o (in care of) name.
Lien holder name change
  • Letter from lien holder (on company letterhead)
  • Articles of incorporation or other proof of lien holder’s name change – third party document requirements depend upon the reason for the name change.
  • Maryland Security Interest Filing (SIF)
  • Maryland Certificate of Title - if available
Owner address change (individual or company)
  • Street name; or
  • City/town; or
  • State; or
  • Zip code
  •  Update or Change Your Maryland Address On File wih MVA ​- not required if your request is made through the MVA’s web site at an MVA kiosk, or the Customer Service Center (CSC). Note that you cannot use the website, kiosk or call the CSC if you:
    • Have a PO Box address; or
    • Hold a commercial driver's license (CDL); or
    • Represent a company.
  • Registration card
  • Maryland Certificate of Title
Lien holder address change
  • Street name; or
  • City/town; or
  • State; or
  • Zip code
  • Letter from lien holder (on company letterhead)
  • Maryland Security Interest Filing (SIF)
  • Maryland Certificate of Title – if available.

A new title and registration card showing the changed information may be issued to you. Note: You must return your incorrect title before the corrected title can be printed.

Titles are mailed unless the vehicle owner requests the change in person and presents adequate identification. Lien holders will receive a corrected Security Interest Filing (SIF) after they return the original, incorrect SIF.

For address changes only, address correction cards will be mailed to the new address, which should be carried with the vehicle's registration card and driver's license.

Note: The MVA will not issue a corrected title due to an address change.

Note: On July 1, 2015 all businesses wishing to title a vehicle will be required to show proof of the legal existence of the business. The business will be given a number with a "Z" to identify it.


  • There is a fee for a corrected title, SIF or registration card reflecting a changed name and/or address.

Contact Information:

Corrections Unit

6601 Ritchie Highway, N.E.
Glen Burnie, MD 21062

For telephone questions:
MVA Customer Service Center:     1-410-768-7000
TTY/Hearing Impaired:                   ​​  1-301-729-4563