MVA Environmental Management / Storage Tanks
The Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) utilizes Aboveground Storage Tanks (AST), Underground Storage Tanks (UST), and drums to contain fluids that are needed for everyday operations at the MVA.
What is MVA doing?
The following practices ensure that any tanks on MVA grounds are in proper working condition and meet all regulations.
- Developed a Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plan.
- Perform regular inspections as required under MVA’s SPCC.
- Perform annual tests for leaks (when applicable).
- Comply with the National Fire Protection Association, the Petroleum Equipment Institute and the American Petroleum Institute for standards related to tank venting, piping and metering devices.
- Installed monitoring pipes, spill catchment basins, and pumps as part of the spill prevention measures.
What can I do at my home to ensure any storage tanks are in the proper condition?
- Replace tanks that are more than 15 years old.
- Inspect your tank for leaks and rust. Make sure that the legs of the tank are in good condition.
- Have your tank regularly cleaned and replace any worn components.
- Contact your oil company and/your local fire department if you suspect a leak. Any leak or spill must also be reported to the Maryland Department of the Environment within 2 hours.
- Find additional information here for practices residents can take to ensure that their tanks are in properly maintained.
Source: Maryland Department of the Environment – Recommended Practices for Owners of Home Heating Oil Storage Tank Systems fact sheet.
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