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Marylanders whose driver’s licenses expired between March 12, 2020 and August 15, 2020 must renew by the August 15, 2021, deadline. After this date, the standard legal requirement of retaking both the written and behind-the-wheel portions of the driving test will be in effect for those with a driver’s license expired over one year.
MDOT MVA is asking customers to schedule an appointment on the Central Scheduling System as far in advance as possible. MDOT MVA branch offices are continuing to operate by appointment only.
The extension for all other expired documents issued by MDOT MVA, including vehicle registrations and handicap placards, officially expired June 30, 2021. Maryland residents with expired registrations are encouraged to visit the MDOT MVA eStore to quickly and easily renew.
With a wide variety of services available on the MDOT MVA eStore – including driver’s license renewal – customers are asked to try completing transactions online before scheduling an appointment. By entering a driver license number or vehicle-specific information into the new First Stop Tool, customers can receive a customized dashboard of services they are eligible to complete online.
This announcement has no effect on the federal REAL ID deadline, which has been extended to May 3, 2023. After that date, customers will need a REAL ID to board a commercial aircraft or gain access to federal facilities. Currently, 80% of Marylanders are already compliant. Those who wish to check their REAL ID compliance status may do so by visiting the MDOT MVA REAL ID Lookup Tool. For more information on federal REAL ID requirements, click here.
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