A driving restriction is a limitation of your driving privileges that may have been imposed for various reasons. After your driving restriction period has ended, or when you believe that you are eligible to have the restriction removed, you may need to contact the MVA division that was responsible for its placement in order to have the restriction removed.
How can I have my driving restriction removed?
You may inquire about removing a restriction in person or by mail to the MVA division or branch office that imposed the restriction. You may submit the completed form online by creating your MyMVA account where you can now securely upload documents directly to MVA which will give you 24/7 access to case information and updates. To Create an account, visit mva.maryland.gov/online-services, or you can call the Driver Wellness and Safety Division at 410-768-7553. The Request For Removal of Alcohol/Drug Restriction,
Form DC-226 is available to use when you submit your inquiry. However, you must provide the following information:
- your full name,
- your date of birth,
- your current mailing address, and
- your driver's license number, if you know it.
The MVA's Administrative Adjudication Division (AAD) is responsible for removing a restriction that was:
- Requested by the Department of Human Services (DHS) Child Support Administration (CSA) - after you have complied with the CSA, you will receive a compliance letter. You may take the letter to any MVA branch office and apply for an unrestricted driver's license. You do not need to contact the AAD to request its removal.
- A 3-year alcohol restriction that was imposed because you received two alcohol-related court convictions within a 5-year period - at the end of the 3-year period, the MVA will automatically remove the restriction. You may then apply for an unrestricted driver's license at any MVA branch office You do not need to contact the AAD to request its removal.
- Ordered by a District or Circuit court - If the court order specified a restriction period, bring the court order to the AAD counter at the end of the restriction period. The AAD will check with the court to verify that the restriction can be removed. If the court order did not include an end date, contact the AAD and inquire about when the restriction may be removed.
Administrative Adjudication Division
6601 Ritchie Highway, Room 213
Glen Burnie, MD 21062
FAX 410-768-5348
If the removal request is approved, you may apply for a "corrected" driver's license at any MVA branch office. The new license will no longer display a restriction code on the bottom right corner.
The MVA's Driver Wellness and Safety Division (DW&S) is responsible for removing a restriction that was:
- Recommended by the Medical Advisory Board (MAB) - you may contact the DW&S and inquire about removing the restriction. If your restriction is an alcohol/drug restriction, see Appendix A for the minimum period that you must wait before contacting the DW&S.
- Required the use of an Alcohol Breath-Analyzed Ignition Interlock Device - you may contact the DW&S and inquire about removing the restriction. Note that the criteria included in Appendix A are not applicable to this type of restriction.
- Ordered by an administrative law judge in the Office of Administrative Hearings and the order did not include an end date for the restriction - If your restriction is alcohol or drug related, see Appendix A for the minimum period that you must wait before contacting the DW&S.
MVA branch offices commonly place, and are therefore responsible for removing for the restriction - If your restriction is alcohol or drug related, see Appendix A for the minimum period that you must wait before contacting the DW&S.
- Requires you to wear corrective lenses; or
- Requires the use of outside mirrors on both sides of your vehicle.
How do I obtain a new driver's license that is unrestricted?
To request removal of your restriction, schedule an appointment at a full service MVA branch for a corrected driver’s license or, complete the following forms:
- Request For Removal of Alcohol/Drug Restriction,
Form DC-226
- Health Questionnaire, form DC-001, and
- Alcohol and Drug Use Questionnaire, DC-001A
These forms may be submitted by mail, or online by creating your MyMVA account where you can now securely upload documents directly to MVA which will give you 24/7 access to case information and updates.
Driver Wellness and Safety Division
6601 Ritchie Highway, Room 124
Glen Burnie, MD 21062
Phone: 410-768-7513 for Medical
410-768-7553 for Reinstatement
410-762-5088 for Ignition Interlock
Fax: 410-582-4937 for Ignition interlock
If the Driver Wellness and Safety Division (DW&S) is responsible for your restriction, they will send you a letter in response to your inquiry indicating whether or not the restriction can be removed. If the restriction is removed, you can schedule an appointment to apply for a "corrected" driver's license at any MVA branch office. The new license will no longer display a restriction code on the bottom right corner. If the restriction is not removed, the letter will explain why your request cannot be honored. The letter will also give the date when you may reapply to have it removed.
- There is no fee for removing the driving restriction.
- There is a fee for a corrected driver's license.
For telephone questions:
MVA Customer Service Center: 1-410-768-7000
TTY/Hearing Impaired: 1-301-729-4563
Appendix A
Criteria Used When Considering the Removal of an Alcohol/Drug Restriction
Without a Specified Ending Date
Category |
Criteria |
Alcohol/drug restriction 1 |
A customer with none or 1 alcohol/drug related incident within 5 current years may inquire about having an alcohol / drug restriction removed one year from the date the restriction was imposed, provided the customer:
- Held a valid driver’s license for a minimum of one year; AND
- Has not been involved in any alcohol/drug incidents during the period; and
- Does not have any pending alcohol/drug related charges.
Alcohol/drug restriction 2 |
A customer with 2 alcohol/drug related incidents within 5 current years may inquire about having an alcohol/drug restriction removed three years from the date the restriction was imposed, provided the customer:
- Held a valid driver’s license for a minimum of one year; AND
- Has not been involved in any alcohol/drug incidents during the period; and
- Does not have any pending alcohol/drug related charges.
Alcohol/drug restriction 3 |
A customer with 3 or more alcohol/drug related incidents within 5 current years or alcohol/drug related incident involving a fatality may inquire about having an alcohol/drug restriction removed five years from the date the restriction was imposed, provided the customer:
- Held a valid driver’s license for a minimum of one year; AND
- Has not been involved in any alcohol/drug incidents during the period; and
- Does not have any pending alcohol/drug related charges.
- These criteria are not used in connection with the required use of an Alcohol Breath-Analyzed Ignition Interlock Device.