MVA Fee Listing

​​This is a list of Maryland's motor vehicle fees.  For more specific information please contact us at 1-410-768-7000.

The MVA accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card, American Express, Mobile Wallet Pay​, ​cash or a check made payable to the Motor Vehicle Administration. Checks must have an imprinted name and address and include your driver's license number and home or work phone number. 

The MVA now has a payment schedule available for eligible renewal and title transactions. See more information at the bottom of this page.​

Driver Licensing Fees

Commercial CDL 

CDL Renewal​​


CDL Conversion (Out of State to MD CDL same class. (8​-year license)​


*Add Motorcycle Class
CDL Duplicate


CDL Correction (w/o renewal)


CDL Skills Retest


CDL Learner’s Permit


CDL HAZMAT Background Check (BRC)

CDL HAZMAT Background Check (BRC) effective January 3, 2025



Non-Commercial License 

Driver’s License Renewal ($6.00 per year)

$48.00 - 8 years*

Driver’s License Duplicate


Driver's License Corrected


Driver's License New (under 21)

$9.00* per year

Driver's License New (21 & over)

$72.00*/$9.00* per year

Learner’s Permit –
Non CDL Type I (GLS) No previous license - includes conversion to full license)


Learner’s Permit – Non CDL Type II (Currently/previously licensed)


Learner’s Permit Corrected


Motorcycle License - New (under 21)
Motorcycle License - New (21 & over)

$9.00* per year
$72.00*/$9.00* per year

Moped License – New


Moped License – Renewal


Moped License – Duplicate


Moped License – Corrected


Photo ID Card – New/Renewal


Photo ID Card - Duplicate/Correction


* Fees may be prorated per year

Veteran's Status and Organ Donor Designations: There is no fee to add or remove a veteran's status or organ donor designation.

Vision Restriction: There is no fee to add or remove the vision restriction code (B, C or F).

Photo ID Card (all types): There is no fee for an ID card if you are 65 years of age or older, or if you have a disability which limits a major life activity.


Vehicle Registration / Tag Fees

​​In the classes identified below, the cost reflected is for one (1) year at time of titling or at the time registration is renewed, but vehicles may also be renewed for two or three years. The following fees include the yearly $40.00  ​surcharge​ for the EMS system, except where noted otherwise. 
JULY 1, 2024 


Passenge​r Cars
(shipping weight u​​p to 3,​500 lbs.)​



Passenger Cars
(shipping weight greater than 3,500 lbs.
but less than or equal to 3,700 lbs.)


​Passenger Cars 
(shipping weight over 3,700 lbs.) 


Passenger Vehicle Operated for Hire



Funeral Vehicles and Ambulances






Historic Vehicles​


​Historic Vehicles over 60 years old​

​$50 (one time)*​​​​

​Multi Purpose Vehicle
(Shipping weight up to 3,500 lbs.)

​Multi Purpose Vehicle
(shipping weight greater than 3,500 lbs.
but less than or equal to 3,700 lbs.)

​Multi Purpose Vehicle
(shipping weight over 3,700 lbs.)



Street Rod Vehicles




Low Speed Vehicles



* Registration fee does not require a surcharge.

Please note:  Chesapeake Bay and Agricultural Plates require an additional $12.50 per year renewal fee ($25.00 for 2-year or $37.50 for 3-year renewal). The additional fee benefits the Chesapeake Bay Trust or the Maryland Agricultural Education Foundation. (If upgrading to a Bay or Agricultural plate from any other Maryland plate, you will need to pay the $20 upgrade fee and an additional $20 substitution fee. Personalization will cost an additional $50 per year.)​


Trucks (3,500 lbs or less GVW)



Trucks (3,501 – 5,000 lbs GVW)



​Trucks (5,001 - 7,000 lbs GVW​) 
​Construction Vehicle (below 10,000 lbs GVW) 

Trailers  ​

Trailer (3,000 lbs. or less) 



Trailer (3,001 - 5,000 lbs.)



Trailer (5,001 - 10,000 lbs.)



Trailer (10,001 - 20,000 lbs.)​



Freight trailer or semi-trailer



Farm trailers or Farm semi-trailers

Trailer 3,000 lbs. or less



Trailer 3,001 – 5,000 lbs.



Trailer 5,001 – 10,000 lbs.



Trailer 10,001 – 20,000​ lbs.


*Registration fee does not require a surcharge.
Class E Trucks 
(GVW or GCW in lbs. - Fee is shown per 1,000 lbs. A registration increase of $45.00 and an additional $40.00 surcharge per year for the EMS system will be added.) 


10,000 - 18,000 lbs.



18,001 - 26,000 lbs.



26,001 - 40,000 lbs.



40,001 - 60,000 lbs.



60,001 - 80,000 lbs.


​​Class EPD Dump Trucks and Class F Truck Tractors 
(GVW or GCW in lbs. - Fee is shown per 1,000 lbs. A registration increase of $20.00 and an additional $40.00 surcharge per year for the EMS system will be added.) 

40,000 - 70,000 lbs.




minimum 40,000 - 60,000 lbs.



minimum 60,001 - 80,000 lbs.


Class EFT Farm Trucks and Class FF Farm Tractors 
(GVW or GCW in lbs. - Fee is shown per 1,000 lbs. An additional $40.00 surcharge per year for the EMS system will be added.) 
​minimum 10,000 - 40​,000 lbs.​

​40,001 - 65,000 lbs.

minimum 40,000 – 80,000 lbs.


Class T Tow Trucks/Rollbacks 
(GVW or GCW in lbs. – The following fees include the yearly $40.00 surcharge for the EMS system.) 


Tow Trucks/Rollbacks under 26,000 lbs.



Tow Trucks/Rollbacks over 26,000 lbs.


Class TE Tow Trucks/Rollbacks  
(GVW or GCW in lbs. - Can be used for hauling or towing. Please note the registration increase and surcharges added by weight class below.) 


Tow Trucks/Rollbacks Up to 18,000 lbs.

$245.00 (includes $40.00 surcharge) 


Tow Trucks/Rollbacks 18,001 - 26,000 lbs.

$11.75 per 1,000 lbs. (add $45.00 increase and $40.00 surcharge) 



Tow Trucks/Rollbacks 26,001 - 40,000 lbs.

$610.00 (includes $40.00 surcharge)



Tow Trucks/Rollbacks 40,001 - 60,000 lbs.

$14.75 per 1,000 lbs. (add $45.00 increase and $40.00 surcharge)



Tow Trucks/Rollbacks 60,001 - 80,000 lbs.

$16.00 per 1,000 lbs. (add $45.00 increase and $40.00 surcharge)

Class H School Bus 
(The following fees include the yearly $40.00 surcharge for the EMS system.) 
​School Vehicle (including Head Start)
​School Bus Charter 
​Class J Van Pool and Class P Passenger Bus 
(The following fees include the yearly $40.00 surcharge for the EMS system.) 


Van Pool



Passenger Bus, Charter, or For Hire
(seating capacity 20 or less)



Passenger Bus, Charter, or For Hire
(seating capacity 21 – 35)



Passenger Bus, Charter, or For Hire
(seating capacity 36 or more)


Class K Farm Area Vehicle 
(There is no applicable surcharge.) 


Farm Area Vehicle


To ensure stable funding for Maryland's​ world renowned Emergency Medical Services (EMS) System, including med-evac helicopters, ambulances, fire equipment, rescue squads, and trauma units a "surcharge" of $40.00 per year will be collected with the registration fee where applicable. 
Electric Vehicle Surcharge
​​Starting with vehicle registrations expiring in January 2025, there will be an annual surcharge for zero-emission vehicles (ZEV including battery electric vehicles) and plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEV). See Miscellaneous Registration Fees below.

MVA Records Fees


Certified Copies


Non-Certified Copies​


(includes driving records, vehicle registration, title files and licensing documents)

Reinstatement Fees


Driver License Reinstatement (non-CDL or CDL)​


​​Driver License Reinstatement (non-CDL or CDL) due to drug or alcohol related offenses

Driver Education Program Fees


Driving Instructor​


Driving School License


Driving School Application


Dealer Licensing and Consumer Services Fees

Interchangeable Registration Plates  

Motorcycle Dealer Plate Class 1B



New/Used/Wholesale Vehicle Dealer Plate Class 1A



Trailer Dealer Plate Class 1C



Dismantler / Recycler Plate Class 2R



Finance Company Plate Class 3F



Special Mobile Equipment Plate Class 4E



Transporter Plate Class 5T



Transporter Tag*



Business Licenses  

Dealer's License - New Car



Dealer's License - Used Car



Dealer's License - Wholesale



Dealer's License - Trailer over 15 feet



Dealer's License - Boat trailer/Trailer under 15 feet



Dealer's License - Motorcycle



Dealer's License - Emergency Vehicles



**Manufacturer's and Distributor's Licenses

1 – 50



51 – 500



501 – 10,000



Over 10,000


Factory Branch



Scrap Processor License



Automotive Dismantler/Recycler License



Title Service Agent License



Salesperson's License


$225.00 - 3 years


Duplicate License - All Types


$20.00 each

Corrected License - All Types


$20.00 each

*All fees listed are annual fees - renewed bi-annually - unless noted.
**A manufacturer's or distributor's annual license fee is based on the number of vehicles

Driver Improvement Fees


To apply to be a provider for:


Point System Conference (PSC)


Driver Improvement Program (DIP)


3-Hour Alcohol and Drug Education Program


(* indicates fee for 2 years)


Fees for the point system conference and the 3-hour alcohol and drug education program are at the discretion of the provider.

Insurance Compliance Uninsured Penalty Fee


Minimum Fee


First 1 through 30 days


Each day after 30 days


Maximum fee per year


Motorcycle Safety Program Fees


Fees for the motorcycle safety training courses vary depending on the course and the training location. Please refer to the Motorcycle Safety Program fee information page for more information.

Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program Fees


VEIP Test Fee


VEIP Penalty Late Fee


(assessed the day after the due date and every four weeks (28 days) thereafter)

VEIP Self-Serve Kiosk




Miscellaneous Registration Fees


Additional/Duplicate Registration Card/Sticker​​


​EMS Surcharge​

​Starting with vehicle registrations expiring in January 2025, there will be an annual surcharge for zero-emission vehicles (ZEV including battery electric vehicles) and plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEV). 

​Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEV including battery electric vehicles) Surcharge
​Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles (PHEV) Surcharge

Farm Area Temporary Registration​​

30 Day - $20.00


60 Day - $40.00


90 Day - $60.00

​HOV Permit

Individual’s w/Disability Placards

No Fee

IRP Duplicate/Replacement Cab Card


IRP New Cab Card


IRP Temporary Authorization


IRP Trip Permit


Non-Resident Permit


Organizational Tags – without logo (New or Replacement)


Organizational Tags – with logo (New or Replacement)


ORV Decal / Substitute ORV


Restoration Fee


Registration / Tag Transfer


Replacement Tag


Salvage Certificate (New or Duplicate)


Security Interest Filing (New or Duplicate)


Substitute Tags


Temporary Registration


​Title Certificate – New / Used

Title Certificate – Corrected


Title Certificate – Duplicate


Title Certificate Fee Moped / Motor Scooter


Titling Tax – Based on Fair Market Value


               – minimum tax


Vanity Plates – per year


Commemorative Tags – Chesapeake Bay**


Commemorative Tags – Agricultural**


Amateur Radio Operator’s Tags*


*indicates $5 additional per year fee;  **indicates $10 additional per year fee;

**indicates $12.50 additional per year fee. The additional fee benefits the Chesapeake Bay Trust and the Maryland Agricultural Education Foundation.​

​​Please note: When upgrading to a Bay or Agricultural from any other Maryland plate, you will need to pay the $25 upgrade fee and an additional $20 substitution fee. You will then pay the $12.50 additional per year fee with your registration renewal. Personalization will cost an additional $50 per year.​​

Non-commercial driver licenses are valid for a maximum of 8 years and Commercial driver licenses are valid for a maximum of 8​ years. ID cards for individuals 18 years of age and older will be valid for a period of up to 8 years; for those under the age of 18, ID cards will be valid for up to 5 years.

Individuals who apply for a limited term driver’s license, learner’s permit or ID card, will continue to be issued a product with a period of validity that equals their duration of lawful status in the United States and the fee would be prorated for that duration. However, for anyone under the age of 21, the fee is not prorated for a learner’s permit, ID card, or driver’s license. The commercial driver's learner’s permit fee cannot be prorated.​


Payment Schedule for Vehicle Registration Fees and Certain Surcharges

As of January 2025, you can have a payment schedule for select registration fees. The payment schedule is available for both new registrations and renewal registrations and includes two payments – the initial payment when setting up the plan and the second and final payment due 6 months after the registration term starts.​ Learn more below.

Am I eligible for a payment schedule?


You must choose a 1-year registration term to qualify for a payment schedule. The schedule is the initial payment and one deferred payment in 6 months. You must also:

  1. Have a valid myMVA Online Services account. Click here to sign up.
  2. Select 1-year registration. The payment schedule cannot be used with a 2-year registration.
  3. Set up the schedule within 30 days of your current registration expiration date.
  4. Not have two (2) delinquent renewals in your account history.

 The following plate types are not eligible:

  • ​Transferrable plates (dealer, motorcycle, trailer, recycler, and financial institution)
  • Special Mobile Equipment (SME) plates
  • Transporter plates​

How do I set up a payment schedule?


You can get signed up for a payment schedule with the following:

  • Your myMVA Online Services Account
  • MVA Branch or Kiosk
  • County Treasurer’s Office in eligible counties
  • Dealership or Title Service Agency (during a vehicle transaction)

You will need to pay the initial payment and agree to the terms and conditions.​

What do I need to pay in each payment?


The initial payment includes:

  • 50% of the annual registration fee
  • 50% of the annual electric vehicle surcharge (if applicable)
  • 100% of the $40.00 surcharge to support Maryland’s emergency medical system
  • 100% of fees associated with non-standard plates (e.g., bay, agricultural, organizational, or military

The second and final payment will be:

  • ​50% of the annual registration fee
  • 50% of the annual electric vehicle surcharge (if applicable)

There is no fee to set up the payment schedule.

How and when do I pay my second payment?


The second payment is due six (6) months after the registration period starts. It can be paid in full at any time, but partial payment will not be accepted. You can pay using:

What happens if I do not pay?

If you do not pay within 120 days, your registration will be cancelled, and you will be referred to the Maryland Central Collection Unit (CCU). CCU will add an additional 17% fee to the amount of the second payment. You must pay the balance before the next renewal period. If you have not paid when the new renewal cycle starts, you will receive a flag notice instead of a renewal notice.

What happens if I sell the vehicle or return my vehicle’s tags?

You are still responsible for the second payment. You can return the tags and receive a refund, if eligible. Visit the License Plate Return page for more information.

Payment Schedule Terms & Conditions:

  • You are responsible for the final payment of the vehicle registration with no exceptions, even if the vehicle is sold, stolen, salvaged, etc.
  • You and the co-owner (if applicable) understand that tags cannot be transferred to another vehicle if a registration debt is owed to MVA.
  • Failure to pay the final payment of the registration will result in the suspension of the vehicle registration.
  • Failure to pay the final payment of the registration will result in the outstanding balance being referred to the Maryland Central Collection Unit (CCU). Once a debt is referred to CCU, a 17% fee will be accessed.
  • You agree to create and maintain a myMVA online account.
  • You and the co-owner (if applicable) agree to receive all notices regarding your Registration Payment Schedule electronically including reminders, receipts, etc. (A business or commercial entity will receive one paper remainder about payment via mail. It will be sent to the business address on record.)​